Healthy Weight Gain for Pregnancy

There are a lot of doctors who will explain that a weight gain around 11 to 13 kilograms is normal during pregnancy. The first one-and-a-half kilograms should come during the first trimester, although there are a majority of women who lose weight instead.

A big reason for this inability to gain weight is due to one of the earlier side effects of pregnancy – morning sickness, which can prevent food from being kept down. In many cases, doctors might not be concerned with the loss of a kilogram or two during that first trimester as long as there is a healthy weight gain over the next two trimesters.

The second trimester is where most of that 11-13 kilograms should be picked up for an average of about 0.4 kilogram per week or four to five each month. There are some women who may fluctuate between months, which isn’t too much of a concern.

The seventh and eighth month of pregnancy should maintain the two-fifths of a kilogram per week average weight gain for a total around 3.5 to 4.5 kilograms – then the weight gain begins to slow down in the ninth and final month of pregnancy. In fact, this usually comes to a halt when the due date is right around the corner – a sign of the upcoming labor.

But what about all of that gained weight when the baby is born? If the average baby weighs only seven-and-a-half, so what was the other eight to 10 kilograms meant for? Let’s break down where all of the extra weight goes within mommy.

First, there’s the baby. Some babies weigh more – up to around four kilograms – and some weigh as little as nearly three kilograms. The amniotic fluid the baby swam in for nine months is usually worth about two pounds and there’s another kilogram that is accounted for mommy’s breast enlargement for milk production.

There’s also another three-fifths of a kilogram for her placenta and two pounds for the uterus, which used to be about the size of a golf ball. The body also needs to produce nearly two kilograms of blood before deliver, as well as about three extra kilograms of fat and about four pounds of extra fluid the body might hold onto – all equaling towards a grand total of 13 kilograms.

Keep in mind that these numbers are estimates of how much weight is gained that may vary among women – there’s a difference in weight gain and subsequent weight loss between delivering a 4.5-kilogram baby and a 2.2-kilogram baby. Regardless, the important thing is to be able to maintain a healthy weight gain throughout the nine-month process.

The body needs extra calories for both mommy and baby, preferable that come from nutritional options that are the most beneficial for both parties – including fruits, vegetables and proteins. That means staying away from junk food that could create a bigger weight gain than desired.

When it comes to taking that extra baby weight off after having the baby, the body might want to hang onto those kilograms. While you might try to do strenuous workouts to lose the weight quickly, remember that the weight was gained over nine months and could take just as much time to lose it all.
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9 Best-Ever Pregnancy Tips and Secrets

Whitney-Coats-edited41Not everyone gets morning sickness.

If you are newly pregnant, you may be wondering if you will get to experience the widely-discussed pregnancy phenomenon also known as puking your guts out. The good news? Some pregnant women skip right over the morning sickness and jump right into that second trimester energy spurt. The bad news? The majority of pregnant women will feel some sort of nausea in the first trimester.

If you do get sick, there are ways around it.

A lot of women silently suffer through morning sickness, considering it just a part of pregnancy, but the truth is there are things you can do to help relieve the plight of pregnant puking. One common culprit for morning sickness can actually be your prenatal vitamins: do an experiment by skipping a morning to see if that helps your morning sickness. If you notice a difference, talk to your healthcare provider as he or she may be able to prescribe a different type of vitamin that might not make you so sick. Other tricks of the trade include nibbling on saltines, trying a nausea bracelet, or – if the sickness is very severe – the doctor may even try an anti-nausea medication.

Know that every woman experiences labor and birth differently.

I cannot stress this one enough. Every, every woman experiences contractions and pushing completely differently. I have literally seen women cruise into the hospital dilated all the way to 10 without so much as breaking a sweat and watched others writhe in agony when they were barely dilated to 1 cm. Women are built differently and everyone’s pain tolerance is different, plain and simple.

There’s no such thing as “bouncing back” after a baby.

Your hips may shift, your feet may grow, and overall, you may find that “bouncing back” really means welcoming your new mama body instead.

Allow me to expound on this one. It’s my theory that there are two types of women in the world: those who have a baby and have no trouble fitting back into their pre-pregnancy clothes and those who have to work very, very hard at losing the baby weight.

And no matter which category you fall into, the truth is, sometimes, your body completely changes after a baby, even if you find yourself back to your pre-baby weight. Your hips may shift, your feet may grow, and overall, you may find that “bouncing back” really means welcoming your new mama body instead.

Pregnancy is not a time for making lasting decisions.

Look, I’m the first to champion that women can do everything. But I also have to admit that pregnancy may not be the most rational-thinking time in your life. You may think that you will be an attachment parenting devotee or you may know that you know that you want to formula feed, but give yourself permission to change your mind. It will be the best gift you can give your child.

You get a free pass for all pregnancy dreams.

On the off chance that you end up having a rather provocative dream involving a rather chiseled celebrity (ahem) just know that pregnancy hormones are completely crazy in that brain of yours right now and many women report some pretty interesting dreams during their pregnancies. So your secret is safe with us!

Buy yourself same nice maternity clothes.

If you’re anything like me, you hate spending money on a wardrobe that feels like something you will only wear for a few months. But take it from me — invest in a few key maternity pieces that will make you feel great and comfortable. It’s so worth it in the end.

You deserve to feel great about yourself during such a major change in your life. And if you play your cards right, you can pick pieces that will help you transition into the post-partum phase as well. Key pieces for any maternity wardrobe include long, stretch tank tops for layering, at least one maxi dress, a nice pair of maternity jeans, and a bigger bra! Which leads me to…

It might be a while before you fit into your “regular” clothes again.

When I had my first baby, I eagerly packed my hospital bag with one of my pre-pregnancy outfits… and quickly got a rude awakening when I couldn’t even pull my pants over my thighs, let alone zip the darn things. My advice? Stick to maternity clothes for your big arrival home.

What To Expect From A Twin Pregnancy: ABC’s Of Multiple Birth

Think about this for a second. Normally when you wish for a child it is just for one baby right? Now imagine that wish coming true and being doubled? You end up with twins! It has been shown over the last few years that twin pregnancies have increased. Here are some answers to questions that you may have regarding your own set that is to come!

How Do Twins Come To Be?

There are two kinds of twins that one can have. There are identical twins and fraternal twins. With identical twins the egg is fertilized, and will split into two cells. Each cell carried identical DNA, and so both children will look exactly the same way except for some differences in things like height and birth marks. Fraternal twins are not identical at all. With fraternal twins two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm at the same time, so that they can have different physical characteristics, along with the possibility of being the opposite sex as well.

What Are The Early Signs Of Twin Pregnancy?

Extreme fatigue and a huge case of Morning Sickness are often early signs of twin pregnancy. Morning Sickness is something that is quite common with all pregnant mums out there, but those with twins, and multiples often experience it more than usual. It is also common for pregnant mums to experience exhaustion. Mums who are expecting twins are said to experience it at a much higher level. Twins are hereditary, and therefore here is something to think about it. If you are feeling nauseous quite often, more exhausted than usual, and if twins run in the family, you could be giving birth to more than one at the end of this pregnancy!

Twin Pregnancy Facts:

Twins mean double the trouble, so be prepared! That means more weight will probably be gained by you compared to a mum with a single pregnancy. Due to the extra weight, a twin pregnancy can often be very uncomfortable, and things such as severe headaches, back pain, and exhaustion are to be expected. So get that sleep, and rest whenever you can because it is needed! A pregnancy massage can also go quite the long way as well! You may also have to prepare yourself for having a c-section since when one has multiples it is often the most common way to give birth to them. Because twin pregnancy is considered to be a high risk pregnancy, you may need to consult with your obstetrician very often compared to one who has a regular pregnancy.

Think of twin pregnancy in this way. Having two children at one time is an amazing thing for anyone to go through. However the pregnancy can be a tough road to go down so make sure to take care of yourself during the ride!

– See more at:

How to Win ‘25 Words or Less’ Competitions

Winning a competition is thrilling. The problem is, many people become lost for words when they are asked to sum up why they should win a competition- in 25 words or less in Australia. If you have found yourself in this predicament, don’t panic. We have several excellent pointers to get your creative juices flowing.

Think outside the box

In most cases, the entries that are chosen as competition winners are the ones that are different and stand out. To start the creative process, you will need to think of a unique answer to the question.

It ain’t a crime to rhyme

Although it seems corny, an acrostic poem or simple rhyme will stand out in the minds of the judges. Rhyming answers show the judges that you have spent some time coming up with something unique.

Make ‘em laugh

Making the judge laugh is one of the easiest ways of winning a competition. Never enter 25 words that beg for sympathy, as it is highly unlikely that you will win a prize.

Mention the product or promoter

In many instances the promoter will want to use one or more of the entries in their marketing. When you mention the name of one of their products, this will work in your favour by massaging the promoter’s ego.

Honesty is the best policy

When all else fails, stick to the old adage. Just let the judges know exactly what you think: do you need to provide a holiday for your in-laws? Or do you want to win some chocolate for your wife? Mention it! Just let them know what you think Judges appreciate an honest entry.

These are just a few tips that can help you write an excellent 25 words or Less Competition: which could end up winning.

Writing these 25 Word or Less Competition answers definitely unlocked or unclogged something. Since that year my life has been transformed and I think the key to unblocking yourself is just be creative anyway you can and the channels open.

When Does Morning Sickness Starts and Ends

Morning Sickness is No Fun

Nausea-pregnancy-symptomsMany expecting mothers want to know the answer to the question, when does morning sickness start.  Morning sickness usually starts around week six of your pregnancy.  This is a good time to take prenatal liquid vitamins.  But because every pregnancy is different, this can vary from woman to woman.  Once the stage of morning sickness starts, most women will then be asking, when does morning sickness end.

Liquid Prenatal Vitamins

If you have morning sickness, you may feel queasy when you wake up.  This answers the question of when does morning sickness start.  Although it is called morning sickness, nausea can come at any time, any where.  Many women are likely to feel sick in the morning because of the lack of food in their stomachs.

Some smells from pills may trigger your nausea.  Sickness can also come from tiredness, making it possible for you to feel worse throughout the day.  Instead of consuming pills or tablets, many women prefer prenatal liquid vitamins.

Even though morning sickness can be miserable, it’s a great sign!  This means that your pregnancy hormone levels in your body are increasing. The sickness you feel is thought to be connected to the hormones human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and oestrogen. These hormones are produced by your body in large quantities until the placenta has grown enough to take over nourishing your baby.

Nausea Morning Sickness During pregnancyIf you do not receive the sickness feeling within the early weeks, morning sickness may not come to you. It’s common for morning sickness to come to some women, but not all women.  Possibly, the things that made women feel sick before the stage of pregnancy may come off as a naturally sickening feeling. For example, if a woman becomes sick through traveling, than it’s likely for this woman to feel sick, when travelling, during pregnancy.

If twins or triplets are on your way, morning sickness is most likely going to come to you. This is because the pregnancy hormones in your body are higher than in a single pregnancy.

If your morning sickness comes to be more serious, vomiting and an increase of sickness is likely to happen to you. The most severe form of morning sickness is hyperemesis gravidarum  (HG), which means excessive vomiting during pregnancy. If you are unable to have anything, either food or drink, it’s possible that you have HG. HG has the ability to cause dehydration, so ask your doctor for help.

Dealing with morning sickness can be a struggle and difficult trial to overcome. It can make things in your life a challenge to do, such as work, do shopping or look after your family. It can also be very frustrating to always have to feel so unwell when really you should be rejoicing for your future deliverance, making you feel happy and joyful. Rest assured that you should be through the worst by week 14 or 16. In the meantime, take a look at these morning sickness remedies to cure nausea.  Hopefully, you will find the answer to every women’s question of, when does morning sickness end.

Raising children Tips | Mum Zone

Welcome to Mum zone As parents, you know your child’s best. So more often than not, your gut mood, with good intentions is better than any tips and pointers out there. However, there are times when we need other people’s input and opinions in raising children. The best way is to be selective and find the ones that you think can fit into your method, will work within your circumstances and family way of life.

Here are some handy tips and tricks Mum Zone have gathered for our Mums and Dads to help us to go through our journey in Raising Children and Parenting.

If you have any help on Raising Children or other Child Behavioral problems, please don’t hesitate to ask our Child Behavior Expert Karen Phillip.

1: Create More Family Time

  • Discover the Power of 15 Minutes!
    Find at least 15 minutes a day and fully spend it with your family. Read a book together, cook a meal together, speak to them, take a walk with them, or just cuddled up. Those 15 minutes with your full present really counts.
  • Create Weekly Family Night.
    Set aside one night each week for family night. Don’t break the date! Take turn deciding what you want to do. Dinner out, movie night, game night, shopping night, it does not really matter what you do, as long as you do it together and have fun.
  • Plan a Monthly 24-hour Recovery Day.
    Once a month plan to do no work related day. Do not talk, think, do any work type whatsoever. This means including checking your emails! Simply spend the day with your family. It does not have to be anything special or expensive. Togetherness is the key. Recovery days like this are important, you’ll be surprised how much you feel replenished and renewed.
  • Share Positive Aspects.
    During dinner time and any other together time, share the lovely things that you appreciate about other family members. Focus on the goodness of other family members and how you appreciate each and every one of them. This will create a positive lovely environment at home.
  • Lunch and Listen.
    Set up a lunch date with your kids or your partner. Catch up.  It does not need to be a long one, but tune in deeply to what they have to say. Listen with your heart. Learn more about them. – See more at:

2: Managing Parental Stress

Being responsible for our children from baby into the stage of adulthood, raising and educating them is a great challenge and is not easy. Even after they’ve moved into adulthood, we never fully stop being parents and will always try to make sure that they’re doing well. However, as a paradox, in order to reduce parental stress, we might need to learn how to be less of a parent. – See more at:

1:: Helpful Tips for Reducing Parental Stress

Our children are bound to become rebellious sometimes, especially during the teenager years, and even though they will probably act in a way that may shock us, but we have to learn to keep our stress to a minimum. These are some of the things that might help us:

  • Teenagers are far from perfect, but neither are adults.
  • Teenagers most naturally want to go their own way.
  • Do not forget what it was like when we were their age.
  • It might seemed bad, but they might have their own very valid reason, try to listen to find out what is going on inside their heads.

There will be times when the parental stress gets too much, don’t hesitate to seek for help! Seek support groups and forums online or around your community or simply through those closest around you.

By managing our parental stress, we can allow our children to grow up in a more level-headed positive environment, therefore teaching them responsibilities and keep our emotions in check. This way you will have a better quality family life and can together enjoy life as a family.

2: Conventional and Unconventional Stress-Relievers

Below are some original and creative stress relievers that works for me and my family to feel more relax and to enjoy our life.

Maintain a Clean and Organized Living Space: Get your house organised and clean, and you’ll be able to turn your home into a beautiful, comforting environment where you can escape from daily stress.

Surround Yourself With a Supportive Social Group: Make a commitment to see more people to develop better relationships for yourself and your children. You’ll find that there are so many people in your situation with the same age children are within the school, and when you find a helpful social group you will find that it is worth the effort.

Play With Your Children: Walk, shop, talk, run, and cook with them. Kids are fun! So what better way to enjoy them than by having lots of fun with them. Play and interact with your children can be a great diversion from your stress, and your children will love you for it.

For more Information Visit our Website:

Pregnancy week by week | Mum Zone

Congrats! Pregnancy is a radiant marvel of nature that can happen to a lady. In any case, the instability of what’s going on to your body and your infant can now and then be very much a frightening knowledge for any expecting mums.

Our pregnancy week by week aide, can be a decent begin to arm you with a far reaching essential information all through your pregnancy.

On the off chance that you are not certain with where you’re at in your pregnancy please visit our Pregnancy Calculator. It can help you figure your due date and to additionally know how long pregnant are you. At that point, you can return here again to have our pregnancy week by week page to guide you every week.

Need to take in more? Learn all that you have to think about pregnancy, in our unique Pregnancy Page!

Need to find that flawless infant name? Why not check our exhaustive Baby Name Finder!

Join our Monthly Newsletter to get our most recent pregnancy, infant and child rearing articles, new rivalries, formulas, tips and numerous more!

Mum Zone wishes every one of you the absolute best with your pregnancy, and we trust that you appreciate this Pregnancy Week by Week Guide!

1: Pregnancy Week 1

     The primary week of pregnancy – Knowledge is key The first weeks of pregnancy is a decent opportunity to load up on all the data you ought to know for the length of time of your pregnancy – and there’s heap: Read More

2: Pregnancy Week 2

weeks pregnant: what would I be able to anticipate? Amid week two of your pregnancy you may not in any case make sure that you are pregnant. It’s still a couple of days before your ovulation at the end of the day it’s the second week after: Read More

3: Pregnancy Week 3

     Third week of pregnancy: what to anticipate You are presently pregnant, well done! The third week of pregnancy is checked by a noteworthy change inside your body. Figure out how the egg and sperm unite in one : Read More

4: Pregnancy Week 4

     What’s in store when you are expecting in the fourth week of pregnancy If you have missed your period now is the right time to consider the way that you may be pregnant! This is the moment that things begin to turn into: read more

For More Information:

Early signs of pregnancy

Would you be able to be pregnant? A few indications may appear about the time you’ve missed a period – or a week or two later. Indeed, 7 out of 10 ladies have indications when they’re six weeks pregnant.

In case you’re not staying informed regarding your menstrual cycle or in the event that it changes broadly starting with one month then onto the next, you may not make sure when to expect your period. Anyway in the event that you begin to experience a percentage of the side effects beneath – not all ladies get every one of them – and you’re asking why you haven’t gotten your period, you might in all likelihood be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test to discover beyond any Hear is 10 Early signs of pregnancy

  1. The evidence: A positive home pregnancy test


Despite what you may read on the case, numerous home pregnancy tests are not sufficiently delicate to dependably catch pregnancy until around a week after a missed period. So on the off chance that you choose to take a test sooner than that and get a negative result, attempt again in a couple of days. Keep in mind that a child begins to create before you can tell you’re pregnant, so deal with your wellbeing while you’re enduring to discover.

When you’ve gotten a positive result, make a meeting with your expert. Presently head over to our pregnancy range. Additionally, keep in mind to overhaul your profile and sign up for our My Baby This Week bulletin. Congrats!

  1. Your Basal Body temperature stays High

If you’ve been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row, you’re probably pregnant.

  1. A Missed period

In case you’re normally really general and your period doesn’t touch base on time, you may choose to do a pregnancy test before you recognize any of the above manifestations. Yet in the event that you’re not normal or you’re not staying informed regarding your cycle, queasiness and breast delicacy and additional excursions to the washroom may flag pregnancy before you understand you didn’t get your period.

  1. Nausea

For some ladies, morning ailment doesn’t hit until around a month after origination, however for others it may begin a week or two prior. What’s more not simply in the morning, either: Pregnancy-related sickness (with or without heaving) can be an issue morning, twelve, or night.

About a large portion of pregnant ladies with queasiness feel complete easing by the start of the second trimester. For most others it takes an alternate month or something like that for the squeamishness to straightforwardness up. A lucky few getaway it by and large.

5.       Tender, swollen breasts

One of the early indications of pregnancy is touchy, sore bosoms brought about by climbing levels of hormones. The soreness and swelling may feel like an overstated variant of how your breasts feel before your period. Your uneasiness ought to lessen fundamentally after the first trimester, as your body acclimates to the hormonal changes.

6.       Fatigue

Feeling tired the greater part of a sudden? No, make that depleted. Nobody knows beyond any doubt what causes early pregnancy exhaustion, yet its conceivable that quickly expanding levels of the hormone progesterone are helping your drowsiness. Obviously, morning ailment and needing to urinate regularly amid the night can add to your languor, as well.

You ought to begin to feel more vivacious once you hit your second trimester, despite the fact that weariness typically returns late in pregnancy when you’re bearing a ton more weight and a portion of the regular inconveniences of pregnancy make it more hard to get a decent night’s slumber.

7.       Frequent urination

Not long after you get to be pregnant, hormonal changes incite a chain of occasions that raise the rate of blood move through your kidneys. This causes your bladder to fill all the more rapidly, so you have to pee all the more frequently. This side effect may begin as right on time as six weeks into your first trimester.

Regular pee will proceed – or increase – as your pregnancy advances. Your blood volume climbs significantly amid pregnancy, which prompts additional liquid being handled and winding up in your bladder. The issue is aggravated as your developing child applies more weight on your bald

8.       Abdominal bloating

Hormonal changes in right on time pregnancy may abandon you feeling bloated, like the inclination some ladies have recently before their period. That is the reason your garments may feel more cozy than typical at the waistline, even right off the bat when your uterus is still little.

9.     Mood swings

It’s regular to have emotional episodes amid pregnancy, halfway on account of hormonal changes that influence your levels of neurotransmitters (compound delegates in the mind). Everybody reacts contrastingly to these progressions. A few mothers to-be experience increased feelings, both great and terrible; others feel more discouraged or restless.

10. Food aversions

In case you’re recently pregnant, it’s not extraordinary to feel repulsed by the odor of a bologna sandwich or some espresso, and for specific smells to trigger your stifled reflex. In spite of the fact that nobody knows beyond any doubt, this may be a symptom of quickly expanding measures of estrogen in your framework. You might likewise find that certain sustenance’s you used to appreciate are all of a sudden totally loathsome to you.

For More Information Read More

Pregnancy calculator

  • What Is Pregnancy calculator

Welcome to Pregnancy calculator is pregnancy Due-Date Calculator by Med India estimates the expected date of delivery of your baby. This is the very important for baby’s good health. And Figure out your due date with our pregnancy mini-computer, in addition to get data about your creating infant and perceive how huge your child is at this moment. How would you like to ascertain your due date? First and foremost day of my last period (This is the manner by which most social insurance suppliers ascertain your due date.) and for good health of your baby’s you have to check Pregnancy Week By Week

Make your own individual pregnancy timetable and pregnancy adding machine week by week to discover your ripe days and your pregnancy due date and after that to take after your child’s improvement from origination to conception. Don’t have a clue about your due date? In the event that you utilize this pregnancy datebook and pregnancy mini-computer you can likewise utilize our Due Date Calculator to figure out the precise due date PLUS dates for imperative pregnancy occasions. The Baby med Monthly Pregnancy Calendar and Pregnancy Calculator is a month to month in addition to day by day week by week after week pregnancy timetable with data for every day of the pregnancy. Discover precisely how long pregnant you are and what is going ahead with your child amid your pregnancy and what changes to expect amid pregnancy. Our pregnancy schedule and pregnancy adding machine will provide for you points of interest on your infant’s improvement and what is occurring to mother amid her pregnancy. The Baby med pregnancy adding machine and pregnancy datebook is focused around a 40 week pregnancy and is in a week by week group. Simply enter your pregnancy due date or other data beneath to make your pregnancy timetable. The adding machine on this page can bail you work out when you may anticipate that your child will arrive. This will provide for you a harsh thought. As a feature of your antenatal consideration, your birthing assistant will likewise offer you a dating output that will provide for you a more exact date for the conception of your child. Pregnancy regularly endures from 37 weeks to 42 weeks from the first day of your last period. To discover your due date, utilize the drop down menus underneath to enter the date of the first day of your last period, and click ‘compute date’ – the adding machine will do the rest.

Pregnancy calculator benefits

  • Leave and time off
  • Statutory Maternity Leave

All utilized pregnant ladies are qualified for 52 weeks (one year) of maternity leave, regardless of to what extent they’ve worked for their boss. This is comprised of 26 weeks of standard maternity leave and 26 weeks of extra maternity clear out. You have a scope of rights amid this period and can likewise ask for that your executive gives adaptable working plans on the off chance that you choose to come back to work toward the end of your take off. Discover all the more about statutory maternity clear out. For more information Click on Website

What To Expect From A Twin Pregnancy

Twin PregnancyThink about this for a second. Normally when you wish for a child it is just for one baby right? Now imagine that wish coming true and being doubled? You end up with twins! It has been shown over the last few years that twin pregnancies have increased. Here are some answers to questions that you may have regarding your own set that is to come!

How Do Twins Come To Be?

There are two kinds of twins that one can have. There are identical twins and fraternal twins. With identical twins the egg is fertilized, and will split into two cells. Each cell carried identical DNA, and so both children will look exactly the same way except for some differences in things like height and birth marks. Fraternal twins are not identical at all. With fraternal twins two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm at the same time, so that they can have different physical characteristics, along with the possibility of being the opposite sex as well.

What Are The Early Signs Of Twin Pregnancy?

Extreme fatigue and a huge case of morning sickness are often early signs of twin pregnancy. Morning sickness is something that is quite common with all pregnant mums out there, but those with twins, and multiples often experience it more than usual. It is also common for pregnant mums to experience exhaustion. Mums who are expecting twins are said to experience it at a much higher level. Twins are hereditary, and therefore here is something to think about it. If you are feeling nauseous quite often, more exhausted than usual, and if twins run in the family, you could be giving birth to more than one at the end of this pregnancy!

Twin Pregnancy Facts and Tips:

Twins mean double the trouble, so be prepared! That means more weight will probably be gained by you compared to a mum with a single pregnancy. Due to the extra weight, a twin pregnancy can often be very uncomfortable, and things such as severe headaches, back pain, and exhaustion are to be expected. So get that sleep, and rest whenever you can because it is needed! A pregnancy massage can also go quite the long way as well! You may also have to prepare yourself for having a c-section since when one has multiples it is often the most common way to give birth to them. Because twin pregnancy is considered to be a high risk pregnancy, you may need to consult with your obstetrician very often compared to one who has a regular pregnancy.

Think of twin pregnancy in this way. Having two children at one time is an amazing thing for anyone to go through. However the pregnancy can be a tough road to go down so make sure to take care of yourself during the ride!

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